Join Us!

Are you searching for a lab for your undergraduate or graduate thesis project?
Or perhaps intrigued by the mysteries and wonders of this phenomenon we call life?

We’re looking for energetic and driven students who are:

  • Curious to investigate the biological mechanisms within and around us
  • Passionate in designing algorithms and developing software, pipelines, and machine learning models
  • Eager to analyze trends and uncover insights from biological data
  • Interested in hardware acceleration of bioinformatics algorithms

Please go over our projects, our publications, and our GitHub repositories.

This guide for members and applicants might also be helpful in getting to know our lab.

If our lab interests you, please reach out to us at: anish.shrestha –atmark–

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to know a lot of biology?
A: It is fine to have no prior knowledge on biology. Having some background would be helpful, but we can also design projects for you that need only the very basic understanding of biology.

Q: But I took up computer science to escape biology…
A: You are biology. You can’t escape biology; there are cells inside you growing and dividing as you’re reading this text right now!

Q: What are some references that I could use to get started on bioinformatics?
A: You may view our survival guide to see what resources you can use to get started on learning bioinformatics.

Q: What programming languages do we need to know for bioinformatics?
A: Python and R are widely used for bioinformatics analysis. But the choice of language really depends on the type of project you are creating (for example, if you are writing a tool where speed is critical, then C++ or Rust are good choices).

Q: What are some research projects that I could do for my thesis?
A: You may view our projects, publications, and GitHub repositories to see what type of research projects we have done so far that may interest you.

Q: Does the lab hold regular meetings?
A: Yes, we hold weekly meetings for our members to present their progress on their projects.

Q: Can I do a short internship at the lab?
A: Any meaningful research project takes at least a year or two from start to publication or conference presentation. We prefer students who are willing to go the full length.